Klaus Moessner ([email protected]) is a Professor in the Centre for Communication Systems Research at the University of Surrey, UK. Klaus earned his Dipl-Ing (FH) at The University of Applied Sciences in Offenburg, Germany, an MSc in Advance Instrumentation from Brunel University, UK and his PhD from the University of Surrey (UK).
His research interests include reconfigurability on different levels, including object and function virtualization, management and control of virtualized resources, and cognitive networks. These interests map to the IoT domains Crowdsensing, Activity and Situation Recognition, and Cognitive Systems areas, and the Smart City and Smart Transport domains. He is teaches on mobile operating systems, mobile service platforms, service oriented architectures, mobile service delivery and service enablers. Klaus leads the workarea on system architecture and co-existence in the 5G Innovation Centre at the University of Surrey.
Abstract of his speech:
Networks in Times of Virtualisation
PaaS, NaaS, SaaS, ... apparently nothing escapes from being transfered into the virtual domain, and, if properly handled, to become ubiquitously available. Mobile network operators have become service providers, alternative players like supermarket chains have entered the market as Virtual Mobile Network Operators. Network drives have turned into cloud storage, large servers have become arrays of interconnected machines, providing virtually unlimited storage and processing capacity. In the Internet of Things arena virtual objects represent and interact with real world objects through sensor and actuator nodes offering endless possibilities in many areas of our lives. All of the above should (and will be) interconnected and network context, or information obtained in the sensor networks, will influence the resource allocation of storage or processing capacity as well as of networking resources. Most traffic traffic flows will need to be with extremely short delays to support various real time critical applications.
The talk will analyse the issues networks will face and it will provide a view of how some of these issues can be resolved.
Dr. Dirk Kutscher is a Chief Researcher and SDN Architect at Network Laboratories of NEC Europe Ltd. in Heidelberg, Germany. He received his doctoral degree from Universität Bremen in 2003, while working for the Center for Computing Technologies (Technologiezentrum Informatik, TZI). He received his diploma degree from Universität Bremen in 1997. Before joining NEC, he worked as a visiting researcher at KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc. in Japan and as a postdoc at Universität Bremen. His main interests are new networking architectures, programmability of networked systems, and Information-Centric Networking. Dirk is co-chairing the Internet Research Task Force group on Information-Centric Networking (ICNRG) and has just initiated a new ACM SIGCOMM conference on ICN. Dirk has continuously participated in IETF standardisation since 1998, has co-authored two books, several Internet Drafts, RFCs and scientific publications and has co-organized many workshops and seminars on ICN, Capacity Sharing and related topics.
Abstract of his speech:
From Virtualization to Network and Service Programmability -- A Research Agenda for 5G Networks
Software-Defined Networking and virtualization of networks and functions in the network are the future foundation for 5G network infrastructure. This foundation will enable the re-design of mobile network architectures with the potential of significantly simplifying systems and of facilitating the introduction of new network functions and services. Starting from a snapshot of state-of-the art NFV/SDN solutions for operator networks, this talk will address the key enabling technologies, the potential for innovation in future networks and highlight some relevant research topics that need to be addressed.