Welcome from the Technical Program Chairs

On behalf of the Technical Program Committee we are happy to welcome you to MONAMI 2011! The 3rd ICST Conference on Mobile Networks and Management was technically co-sponsored by IEEE Portugal Section and CREATE-NET. We received a great set of submissions covering a wide range of topics in mobile networks and their management that are currently of high interest in the mobile and wireless research community. This year's program features papers on Mobility and Wireless Networks; Mobile Network Services; Network Virtualization, Routing and Self-Management; Security, Services and Context; and Wireless Mesh Networks. We note the increased interest this year in virtualization, management of smart objects and mobile services, alongside the traditional MONAMI topics in mobile and multiaccess networks, self organizing network management, architectures, and service provisioning. After an open call for papers and a thorough peer-review process, 25 papers were selected based on their relevance to the scope of the conference and their technical merit: 20 papers in the regular MONAMI technical sessions and 5 papers in the Future Research Directions (FRD) session. In addition, this year we introduce the MONAMI SmaRT Workshop, which focuses on novel, early-stage work in mobile network smart services and applications. All papers will be orally presented at the conference and are included as full papers in the MONAMI 2011 Proceedings. FRD papers present research directions from five prominent FP7-funded European projects related to management and control of mobile networks, namely SAIL, MEDIEVAL, OneFIT, GEYSERS, and UNIVERSELF. FRD papers were selected after an open call followed by a peer-review process that focused on originality and relevance. Finally, the five SmaRT Workshop papers present novel work on the creation of infrastructure and infrastructureless networks and how new services can be deployed and managed. In total, more than 120 authors from 15 countries contributed to this year's proceedings.

In addition to the oral presentations of the selected papers, the conference program features an exceptional keynote by Dr. John Strassner, CTO Software R&D Laboratory, Huawei, USA, who will present his vision on the management of future mobile networks in a talk entitled "Autonomic Mobile Network and Service Management for the Future Internet". In addition, Dr. Luís Miguel Campos of PDM Group will give a motivating talk, targeting in particular aspiring high-tech oriented entrepreneurs, entitled "The Random Walk down Venture Capital Land". Of course, in line with the established MONAMI tradition, the conference will open with a world-class tutorial on "Cooperative Wireless Networks", a key topic in modern mobile communications, presented by Dr. Stefan Valentin (Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG) and Dr. Hermann S. Lichte (net mobile AG).

The technical program of MONAMI 2011 would not have been possible without the effort of the entire technical program committee. We are deeply thankful to the TPC members and external reviewers (acknowledged in the following pages) who took significant workload during the paper evaluation process. Their efforts ensured that all submitted papers received a thorough and fair peer evaluation accompanied by constructive comments. We also thank Carlo Giannelli, our Publications Chair, for making sure that the Proceedings CD is assembled with great care, and Jarno Pinola, for keeping the web site always up-to-date.

Finally we would like to welcome you to the conference. By attending MONAMI 2011 you will have the opportunity to learn about the latest results and developments around the world and from top EU projects while networking with top experts in the field. We expect that this year's program will trigger fruitful discussions making the conference once again a very active forum, which fosters future cooperation between the participants.

On behalf of the Technical Program Committee,

Susana Sargento, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Ramón Agüero University of Cantabria, Spain