Camera-ready Instructions
Camera-ready versions of the accepted papers must be uploaded to the EAI camera-ready paper submission system Confy. Before the camera-ready submission can be approved, the following requirements must be met:
- A ZIP file containing both the PDF and complete LaTeX/Word source files and figures for the paper (for LaTeX this means e.g. the .tex source files, .bib files, style files, and figures in .eps format), prepared in accordance with publisher guidelines, must be uploaded to the system.
- A PDF copy of the paper must be uploaded - please note that this needs to be uploaded separately from the compressed source material.
- The PDF must meet the publisher's specifications for paper content, layout, etc.
- The Author's contact details included in the PDF must match those listed in Confy.
- Title, abstract and keywords included in the PDF must match those listed in Confy.
IMPORTANT: When logging in to Confy, use the same email address you used providing the initial submission of your paper and registering for the event.
Formatting Instructions
Camera-ready papers must be formatted according to the LNICST style instructions (carefully read the README file for further information) and should not exceed 15 pages in length. LNICST templates are available for both LaTeX and MS Word.
All papers failing to meet the formatting guidelines can be excluded from the conference proceedings.
NOTICE! Authors can extend their 15-page full papers by 2 pages at an additional cost of € 130 per page.