Thursday 22 September 2011, 9:00 - 10:30
Autonomic Mobile Network and Service Management for the Future Internet
Dr. John Strassner
Chief Technical Officer, Software R&D Laboratory
Huawei, USA
Download MONAMI 2011 Keynote Slides
Reference: J. Strassner, "Autonomic Mobile Network and Service Management for the Future Internet", Keynote speech in the Third International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks And Management (MONAMI'11), Aveiro, Portugal, 21-23 September, 2011.
Network management: will it be the Ugly Duckling or the Golden Goose of the Future Internet?
Most people take network management for granted. Most equipment vendors view it as a cost center, not a profilt center. Is it really a surprise that there has been a distinct lack of research on new management approaches?
More importantly, managing modern converged networks is challenging on many levels. Different types of networks have different management and operational data that use different control planes. Different vendors describe the same concepts using different incompatible managed objects and use different methods to configure them. Networks must support many different types of applications, which each have different needs of the common infrastructure on which they run. Application response times are becoming more important than an overflowing jitter buffer. Cloud computing has exacerbated these problems in both directions: there is not only a lack of research on cloud management paradigms, but in addition, cloud computing has been server-centric, often viewing the network as a "fat, dumb pipe".
This talk will explore how autonomic computing and networking can be used to help solve these problems. Autonomics is more than "just" automating workflows; autonomics seeks to understand *why* a problem occurred and how to prevent it in the future. Autonomics can be used to create a Future Internet architecture that can run in clouds or in a data center, and more importantly, integrate mobile network and service management with managing the rest of the infrastructure in a unified way. Current examples of promising academic and industrial research will be described.
Dr. John Strassner has over 35 years of experience. He is currently the Chief Technical Officer of the Software R&D Laboratory of the US Division of Huawei, where he leads autonomic system projects for managing cloud, Enterprise, and Service Provider environments. He has served as a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology and as a Visiting Professor at Waterford Institute of Technology in Ireland. Before that, he was a Motorola Fellow and Vice President of Autonomic Research at Motorola Labs. Previously, John was the Chief Strategy Officer for Intelliden and a former Cisco Fellow. John is a Distinguished Fellow of the TeleManagement Forum, and is currently the Chairman of the Autonomic Communications Forum. He is the past chair of the TMF's NGOSS SID, metamodel and policy working groups, along with the past chair of several IETF and WWRF groups. He has authored two books, written chapters for 5 other books, and has been co-editor of 5 journals dedicated to network and service management and autonomics. John is the recipient of the IEEE/IFIP Daniel A. Stokesbury memorial award for excellence in network management, the Albert Einstein for innovation in autonomic networking, and has authored over 275 refereed journal papers and publications.