SmaRT Panel Discussion

Friday 23 September 2011, 17:00 - 18:00

Smart Objects Beyond the Hype: A Reality Check


John Strassner
Huawei, USA

Luís Campos
PDM Group, Portugal

Ricardo Ferreira
PT Inovação, Portugal

Hugo Silva
PLUX, Portugal

Susana Sargento
University of Aveiro, Portugal

Andreas Timm-Giel
Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

Panel moderated by Kostas Pentikousis, Huawei Technologies ERC


The hype on Smart Objects has passed, but the expected penetration of smart objects in our world is far from being ubiquitous. This panel, with panelists from industry, operators, SMEs, and academia, will debate the future of Smart Objects. Enablers for the economic success will be discussed. This includes business aspects, business models and value chains for smart objects. From the technical side, in this context, the configuration and management of smart objects will be elaborated as well as the prerequisites for widespread deployment, where maintenance and operation is possible by everyone. Further technical hurdles for smart objects on their way to inhabit the world we live in will also be addressed. These include configuration, energy management, standardization and technology to design robust devices.

The panel will discuss opportunities in different application areas, including automotive and ITS, smart logistics and health.