This event is endorsed
and organized by

4th International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management

September 23–26, 2012 | Hamburg, Germany


MONAMI 2012 aims at bringing together top researchers, academics and practitioners specializing in the area of Mobile Network Management, Service Management, Virtualization and Object Management.

Multiaccess and resource management, mobility management, and network management have emerged as core topics in the design, deployment and operation of current and future networks. Yet, they are treated as separate, isolated domains with very little interaction between the experts in these fields and lack cross-pollination. MONAMI 2012 offers the opportunity to leading researchers, industry professionals and academics around the world to meet and discuss the latest advances in these areas and present results related to technologies for true plug-and-play networking, efficient use of all infrastructure investments, and access competition. The aim of the forum is to disseminate the latest innovative mobile network solutions for increased competition and cooperation in an environment with a multitude of access technologies, network operators and business actors.

MONAMI 2012 will provide academic and industrial researchers, practitioners, and students with a forum to explore evolutionary approaches based on current IP-centered architectures and revolutionary Mobile Network Management and Service Management approaches and new paradigms. The program includes papers reporting experimental and empirical studies as well as implementation/industry results (including testbeds and field trials). MONAMI 2012 will feature high-level keynote speakers, groundbreaking paper presentations and a special session on future research directions, allowing significant networking opportunities with industry.


Third International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks and Management

21-23 September 2011, Aveiro, Portugal

LNICST vol. 97: MONAMI 2011ACM/Springer MONET SI: Mobile Network Virtualization and Collaboration


Second International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks and Management

22-24 September 2010, Santander, Spain

LNICST vol. 68: MONAMI 2010ACM/Springer MONET SI: Mobility and Network Management in Heterogeneous Networks


Fisrt International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks and Management

13-14 October 2009, Athens, Greece

LNICST vol. 32: MONAMI 2009