
Thursday 23 September 2010, 9:00 - 10:30

Service Management in Future Networks: The C3SEM Vision

Prof. Joan Serrat
Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain


Future Internet services encompass scenarios where highly heterogeneous and free networks supported by Wi-Fi, WiMAX and LTE technologies will compete to grant users access to a plethora of services and applications. In this context, clients will be able to choose the best provider and access technology for the time and place they are trying to connect from. This will foster the settlement of a new and free market of Internet connectivity providers. The C3SEM project is contributing to pave the transition to such scenarios by conceiving enabling service pricing techniques. We understand that using the right pricing strategy, an operator will try to obtain the highest possible revenue while the users will try to get a service that fits their requirements at the minimum possible price. Our approach consists of a distributed, rule-based pricing system that implements a set of intuitive market ideas in the shape of policy-rules to be enforced on the price charged by each provider. Those rules are aimed to improve the quality of service and to increase the global income of a service provider in that world in which users are free to choose every time they connect. Based on disjoint context variables, our rules may easily conflict themselves. Therefore we have envisaged a mechanism based on a proximity metric of the events to the conditions that are fulfilled to solve such conflicts.

In addition, a complementary but different research line is also being explored, namely the need to create virtual infrastructure capable to support the service provider offers with the appropriate QoS levels. This work addresses the need to bridge the gap that has existed for a long time between business and configuration management. Our idea is based on the identification of relevant business indicators, which in turn are used in the process of designing configuration policies to regulate the creation of virtual networks according to the service provider needs.

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Reference: J. Serrat, "Service Management in Future Networks: The C3SEM Vision", Keynote in the Second International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks And Management (MONAMI'10), Santander, Spain, 22-24 September, 2010.


Joan Serrat started conducting research in network management in 1995 being involved since then in 15 research projects competitive-funded by the European Union and the Spanish Ministry of Research and Innovation. Currently he is leading the UPC research group in the European Network of Excellence for the Management of Internet Technologies and Complex Services (EMANICS) and in the Autonomic Internet project (AutoI) within the 7th FP of the European Union (EU). Professor Serrat is author or co-author of 6 books and around 150 contributions to technical and scientific fora and magazines. He is also contributor to the FIA-MANA initiative of the EU and the contact point of the Telemanagement Forum at UPC.

Friday 24 September 2010, 9:00 - 10:30

SmartCities, the Silent IoT Revolution

José Manuel Hernández
Telefónica I+D, Spain


More than half of the world's population lives nowadays in cities. Moreover, this proportion is day by day increasing. Besides, and as urban environments are becoming denser and more complex, cities face problems in many different areas, some of them related to information services, urban mobility, and energy efficiency. Fortunately, it is in the city context where a limited investment in ICT infrastructures can be more easily streamlined, benefiting both citizens and municipalities.

From a practical point of view, a big opportunity lies currently on the utilization of the innovative IoT technologies developed in recent years to improve the quality of live of the citizens. With these principles in mind, a number of initiatives with different multidisciplinary approaches are being currently developed worldwide at different locations. SmartSantander, overviewed in this talk, is one of the most remarkable ones.

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Reference: J. M. Hernández, "SmartCities, the Silent IoT Revolution", Keynote in the Second International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks And Management (MONAMI'10), Santander, Spain, 22-24 September, 2010.


José Manuel Hernández received his Master's degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Madrid (Politécnica) in 1987. In 1985 worked for Alpes Ingenieros S.A. and in 1988 with the Center for Technological and Industrial Development of the Spanish Government. He joined Telefonica I+D in 1990, getting involved in several EU funded projects. In 1998 he took part in the management of TID's Innovation Plan (1998-2001), and coordinated TID participation on several European Programs (IST, Eureka, COST, Telematics, etc.). He was appointed Head of Division in 2001. He has been Secretary of the Permanent Committee on Networks & Services of AHCIET, and representative for Telefonica at the W3C. He is author of over twenty articles and contributions to both national and international magazines and symposiums, has been granted four patents, and was Associated Professor in the Telematics Engineering Department of the Carlos III University of Madrid (2002-2007).